Every year road crashes result in loss of lakhs of lives and serious injuries to crores of people. In India alone, about eighty thousand people are killed in road crashes every year which is thirteen percent of the total fatality all over the world. Man behind the wheel plays an important role in most of the crashes.

The aim of “Super Kid Cop” initiative by Yi Chennai is to educate school kids about road safety, and also encourage safer road user behaviour among adults.
To participate in this initiative, the kid should fill in the printed card based on his/her observations of the parent’s driving patterns. Then, submit the below form with the parent’s help to get a certificate of participation.
Eligibility for Super Kid Cop: School kids only!
Submit your entry to get the certificate
If you wish to submit a new report card, follow the process.
Step 1: Receive the report card from your school. You may Download and print if you have lost it.
Step 2: Fill in the card over the next 10-12 days.
Step 3: Submit your entry in the below form, and return the filled-in card to your school.
Note: You will receive a certificate via email on successful submission of your entry.
This is an initiative of Yi Chennai (Road Safety vertical).
About CII
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering Industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.
About Yi
Young Indians (Yi) is a movement for Indian Youth to converge, lead, co-create and influence India’s future. Formed in the year 2002, Yi has created a platform for young Indians to work towards realizing a dream of a developed nation.