Today, Yi Chennai has over 100+ members who put in effort and endeavour out of their own will to build our nation. However, a few non-members also support Yi and its activities. To these people, we would like to state the obvious – A big heartful thank you!
We have launched the Yi Enthusiast program early this year to acknowledge those non-members who support Yi. He / She could be supportive government officials, influencers, entrepreneurs, speakers or guests at our events, or anyone who whole-heartedly support Yi in its activities.
For Yi Members
As a Yi member, when you meet any respected person who is collaborating for a Yi event, or contributing for a Yi cause, or participating in a Yi campaign… do the following.
- Hand them a gift (Yi Enthusiast Mug) to designate them as a Yi Enthusiast.
- Click a photo with them along with the gift in hand
- Fill in the below form with the details
P.S: You may pick up the gift (mug) from the below address.
CANIT Solutions
TCR Niveras Plaza, 3rd floor,
325, Poonamallee High Rd, Aminjikarai,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600029